EdResearch is designed to make finding and evaluating relevant research both easy and inspiring for time-pressed teachers, educationalists and education policymakers. Whether you want to inform your strategic planning, consider new approaches or find a solution to a particular challenge, it's good to have access to research-based evidence, analysis and insights at your fingertips.
The use of research to support evidence-informed teaching practice continues to be an education hot topic. It's an Ofsted requirement for schools and can impact positively on every aspect of education – from smarter use of teachers' time to improved student outcomes. But naturally, opinion often differs among researchers and teachers as to what good research looks like, what evidence is 'valid', which research is genuinely helpful in the classroom and which interventions are practical.
What EdResearch includes
The EdResearch search engine currently signposts over 500 pieces of research (mostly dating from post-2010) and continues to grow on a daily basis. Our policy is to include all types of education research and evidence to encourage discussion and debate. After all, even the most narrow or controversial research can be informative in certain contexts.
We don’t offer judgments on the quality of the research, its methodology or relevance. We leave this to the professionals. But to help you assess the validity and usefulness of each piece of research, we encourage our EdCentral members – those at the chalkface of education – to rate and review what they find.
The rating and reviews for each piece of research are clearly visible, to help members gauge how the theory measures up to practice, and form their own opinion from the variety of perspectives and insights different people may contribute. Everybody who leaves a rating or review – whether it be to flag up the merits or demerits of a particular piece of research – is contributing to a body of shared knowledge that will help support teachers, schools and pupil outcomes.
Our Smart Search is designed to help you find whatever is most relevant to your current professional interests – be it national policy or specific classroom/curriculum-based approaches.
For each piece of research, you'll find:
- a handy overview of what the research offers
- useful details about the piece (publisher, author, dates, CPD opportunities etc.),
- links to the research itself, plus information about the author(s) and related commentary
- ratings and reviews provided by the EdCentral community.
EdResearch entries include:
- research papers
- monographs
- reports
- books
- surveys
- reviews
- and more ...
Submit your own education research?
We encourage education researchers to upload their own research for inclusion. Whether you work within a research body, an HEI or a school that has undertaken its own Action Research, you can upload and/or link to your research using this form.
Something missing?
We're constantly on the lookout for relevant research to include, so if you come across an interesting piece of research you can't spot here yet, please This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. We prioritise the inclusion of research that others have found helpful and/or inspirational.
Happy browsing! As always, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and your suggestions as to how we can make any aspect of EdCentral more useful for those it seeks to serve.
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