

The EdCentral Weekly Round-Up

A look back at the week that was and a peek forward to what's coming up in the next seven days.   

Each week the EdCentral team pulls together the Weekly Round-Up – published around noon each Friday. 
In it you'll find:
  • The week's most popular education news stories, with links to the sources.
  • Links to the latest research, reports and studies.
  • An overview of anything education-related due to happen in government circles over the next seven days.
  • Upcoming education conferences, webinars and CPD opportunities.
  • A historical fact for each day of the week to come.

You can catch up with previous issues via the links in the 'Latest Issues' section on this page or sign up below to receive your own copy direct to your inbox. 

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Thank you in advance for your support.  


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