CPD events to support & inspire

Reflective practice and support for educators

Countdown to Reservations End Date


Event Details

Starts on:14/09/2024 03:30 PM
Ends on:14/09/2024 05:30 PM
Location:Online event


An invitation to join the 2024-25 Working Group: reflective practice for Educators.

The Working Group began in 2015 meeting termly in person and then on zoom, alternating between Dublin and London. The members are teachers, educators, senior leaders in education, and those who train professionals in a variety of fields/sectors. Currently, members come from Ireland, UK, Iran and Australia.

The Working Group is a confidential setting, meeting 4 times a year, seasonally. You can bring the complex individuals/patients/clients, groups and organisations that you work in or with, and learn from others working in a different context to yours.

The Working Group meets online on Saturdays 3.30pm-5.30pm (Irish/UK time) on the following dates:
• 14th September 2024
• 11th January 2025
• 5th April 2025
• 7th June 2025.

The Working Group has maximum of 15 members and consists of a 2-hour meeting structured by a period of reflection, a Balint case and ending with a period of reflection.

The charge is an annual payment of £135/€150 – a slight and hopefully understandable increase from 2024 - but no-one will be turned away because they cannot afford it.

Please contact the co-leaders if you have queries or if you would like to join the group:
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. - Psychotherapist and Balint group leader (GASI, FPC, UKCP)
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. - Group Analyst and Balint group leader (IGAS, ICP).

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