CPD events to support & inspire

Next steps for qualifications reform at Level 2 and below in England

Countdown to Reservations End Date


Event Details

Starts on:09/09/2024 08:30 AM
Ends on:09/09/2024 12:55 PM
Location:Online event


This online conference will consider next steps for the implementation of reform to qualifications at Level 2 and below in England.

It follows the recent announcement from the Secretary of State that the DfE will take a short pause and review post-16 qualification reform at Level 3 and below.

Delegates will look at the current Level 2 landscape following the announcement from the Secretary of State and the way forward following the review, which is expected to be published by the end of the year, with reformed qualifications at Level 2 currently scheduled to be introduced on a phased approach between 2025 and 2027.

Delegates will look at how best to prepare providers for delivery of revised qualifications. The agenda will bring out latest thinking on improving the attainment and progression of learners, and assessing capacity within the qualifications landscape to effectively implement proposed reform.

The conference also follows the recent launch of Skills England which will be established in phases over the next 9-12 months, with aims to support collaboration between local government, businesses and the education sector to meet national and local skill needs. Delegates will look at priorities for the new body and for reforming the Apprenticeship Levy.

It will also be a timely opportunity for policymakers and stakeholders to discuss priorities for policy following the launch of the new Government’s Curriculum and Assessment Review, including implications for Level 2 qualifications. The review will look to drive improvements while protecting the role of examinations, and consider whether existing assessment methods are robust enough to ensure quality and reliability across Level 2 qualifications, with proposals from the Children’s Wellbeing Bill aiming to ensure all schools teach the national curriculum once the review is complete.

There will be discussion on how best to improve the accessibility of qualifications for disadvantaged students and students with SEND. Delegates will consider the role of careers hubs and guidance in aiding student progression to Level 3 and helping students navigate the reformed qualification landscape, as well as priorities for upskilling and retraining among the teacher workforce.

Delegates will also consider the efficacy of the T Level Foundation Year in preparing students for progression to T Levels, in light of concerns over low numbers of students successfully progressing from the foundation level.

Further sessions will discuss the use of Level 2 qualifications to plug local and national skills gaps, including how providers and awarding bodies can better meet the needs of employers and learners, looking at approaches to ensure that taught content is applicable in relevant industries and sectors moving forward.

The agenda also includes discussion on routes and rates of progression to apprenticeships and other technical qualifications at Level 3, and pathways into skilled employment for learners.

We are pleased to be able to include keynote sessions with:
• Helen Kemplay, Head, Post-16 Qualifications Reform at Level 2 and Below, DfE
• Karl Anderson, Head, Qualifications Policy, IfATE
• Jenifer Burden MBE, Director, Programmes, Gatsby Charitable Foundation
• Ciaran Roche, Public Affairs Manager, Association of Employment and Learning Providers.

Overall, areas for discussion include:
• reform: priorities for the Level 2 qualification market moving forward - immediate policy options with the Government currently conducting a short Review - preparation for delivery - student options - policy priorities for the future qualification landscape
• quality and standards: exploring best practice in Level 2 teaching and learning - preparing providers for delivery of the reformed qualifications due in 2025 - upskilling and retraining the workforce
• student progression: examining progression routes to Level 3 qualifications - assessing the impact of the T Level Foundation Programme - aiding student progression into further education and employment
• partnerships: priorities for Skills England - how providers and awarding bodies can work with employers - meeting the needs of students and employers - aligning Level 2 qualifications with local and national skills gaps - green skills
• accessibility: improving support for learners in navigating the qualification landscape - improving accessibility for learners with additional needs.


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