Safeguarding Learners: Understanding and Recognising Adults at Risk
Countdown to Reservations End Date

Event Details
This webinar will allow delegates to gain an overall insight into safeguarding at an introductory level. The webinar is suitable for all those who require an overview to safeguarding to meet the organisational policy and procedure requirement.
This webinar will give delegates an introduction to:
• National guidance and procedures
• Categories of abuse
• Ensuring a response of logging and reporting concerns
• Whistleblowing and sharing professional concerns.
Delegates will be aware of the latest guidelines and will learn how to deal with any concerns they have and how to report them.
The carry through benefits for the learners are that they have access to well trained, supportive staff that they can confide in if they have any concerns and who will be able to signpost them to the correct places for further support.
Facilitator: Carly Spicer, Safeguarding Consultant, ECP