CPD events to support & inspire

Ofqual Update for Exams Officers: Preparing for a successful summer series

Countdown to Reservations End Date


Event Details

Starts on:01/03/2022 03:00 PM
Ends on:01/03/2022 04:00 PM
Location:Online event


Exams officers play such a pivotal role in ensuring the smooth running of exams and formal assessments. Join Ofqual for an update on the arrangements in place for exams and assessments in 2022, and some helpful advice on how to ensure that delegates, as exams officers, are as prepared as possible for a successful summer series.

Ofqual will provide an overview of the changes in place for exams and assessments this summer, outline some of the steps that can be taken to prepare for the summer series, as well as some helpful advice on what to do if things don’t quite go to plan. There will also be the opportunity for a Q & A session.

This webinar is suitable for both new and experienced exams officers.


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