CPD events to support & inspire

ASCL Leading Conversations Series - Geoff Barton

Countdown to Reservations End Date


Event Details

Starts on:20/07/2022 07:00 PM
Ends on:20/07/2022 08:00 PM
Location:Online event


A new series of online CPD sessions will explore the key issues facing the education system, with expert guests offering their thoughts on addressing these challenges. They will also share ideas on how leaders can continue to improve the system for the benefit of all children, young people and their communities, as well as those working in the system.

Each session will have a unique focus but across the series there will be common threads including what can be learnt from international practice, how experiences from other industries can be useful in shaping continuous improvement of the education system, and how those in, or aspiring to, executive leadership roles can shape their own development and take care of their wellbeing.


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