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Stay up-to-date with the latest education news

As well as keeping you up to date with the latest education news, our unique daily EdNews digest is:

Time saving:
all the latest education news in one place - available to view from 9:00 a.m each weekday morning. 

Manually curated from over 250 news sources - covering the national media, education press, government departments and agencies, education unions and professional bodies, plus key education commentators and bloggers. 

Interactive and fully searchable:
Allows you to filter by phase, subject, topic, keyword or organisation so you just see the news that’s of interest to you. Or you can search the education news archive right back to 2016. 

View on your desktop, laptop or any mobile device; quickly scan the headlines in plain list format or browse using dynamic view - both with direct links to the original news sources. 

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