Publication Source

In July 2022, we launched a consultation seeking views on the following proposals, to give childcare providers more flexibility and autonomy and trust them to make decisions about their settings and the needs of their children. The proposals were:

  • changing the current statutory minimum staff:child ratios in England for 2-year-olds from 1:4 to 1:5
  • making the early years foundation stage (EYFS) statutory framework explicit that childminders can care for more than the specified maximum of three children under the age of 5 if they are caring for siblings of children they already care for, or if the childminder is caring for their own baby or child
  • making the EYFS explicit that ‘adequate supervision’ while children are eating means that children must be in sight and hearing of an adult. The public consultation exercise sought views on making these changes and allowed respondents to express comments, views or concerns

The public consultation exercise sought views on making these changes and allowed respondents to express comments, views or concerns.

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