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Research by the Local Government Association (LGA) reveals that nearly nine in 10 councils fear that nursery closures this year will undermine capacity ahead of the rollout of the Government’s extension of the 30 hours free childcare scheme.

Nearly nine in 10 councils fear that nursery closures this year will undermine capacity ahead of the rollout of the Government’s extension of the 30 hours free childcare scheme, new research by the Local Government Association revealed today (Wednesday 5 July). 

At the LGA’s annual conference in Bournemouth, councils warned there was a risk the scheme will not be delivered universally when it begins to be implemented next year. 

The LGA said it was supportive of the Government’s reforms and wanted to work with it to make the extended scheme a success. However, it has concerns that while the improved funding rates are ‘helpful’, this will not be enough to ensure a universal implementation of the scheme. 

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