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More than 80 charities, experts in early childhood development, celebrities and parents have signed an open letter calling on the Prime Minister to provide better support for young children and their parents.

A total of 83 charities including NSPCC, Save the Children UK, The Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health (RCPCH), 48,000 members of the public, as well as celebrities including Andy Murray and Ewan McGregor – have added their names to Unicef UK’s letter, calling for the UK Government to commit to a National Baby and Toddler Guarantee.

The national Baby and Toddler Guarantee would ensure all families with young children can access 'vital' universal support services like maternity, health visiting, mental health, affordable and high-quality childcare and Special Educational Needs and Disability support – no matter who they are or where they live. 

The letter to the Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak, states, ‘Families in Britain need your help now. Summer holidays are just around the corner and instead of looking forward to fun-packed, carefree days, many families are faced with the worrying reality of not being able to put food on the table as they struggle to make ends meet.

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