A woman who has to eat toast for dinner so her children don't go hungry has said she's just one of many parents feeling the pinch ahead of the summer holidays.

Louise Goodman said pfamilies will struggle without free school meal vouchers during the school break.

Earlier this week, the Welsh government announced the scheme would not run over the holidays.

It said other types of support would be available.

Single mum-of-three Julia Evans, from Merthyr Tydfil, said: "Feeding my three children is my main priority and my main concern, but losing this funding is going to have a massive effect.

"We'd normally go for days out during the summer holidays but now that will have to be cut massively. It's a really stressful time."

Her children attend the Twyn Community Hub youth club in Merthyr Tydfil and Ms Goodman, its project coordinator, said she understood the pressure felt by parents.

"It's meant to be about having fun but how can it be if you haven't got the money to do that and parents are just stressed," she said.

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