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Nurseries and childminders are a step closer today to rolling out the government’s largest ever expansion of free childcare, as a fair funding formula is set out for the extension of free childcare to cover all ages from nine months to the start of school.

The new formula reflects extensive data gathering on the costs early years providers face in offering places for different age groups and how those costs vary across the country. It builds on the existing formula for three- and four-year-olds, where eligible working parents already receive 30 hours of free childcare a week and all parents receive 15 hours.

The proposed formula, now out for consultation, provides additional funding for areas of deprivation, helping to support families by making sure all children get the best start in life no matter where they live.

It also extends eligibility for additional disability funding and for the early years pupil premium down to nine months old, so providers will be able to access these funding streams for every eligible child receiving free government childcare hours.

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