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In his Programme for Government speech at the beginning of the new parliamentary year, Scotland’s first minister, Humza Yousaf, gave details of a package of  measures to improve childcare.

Scotland’s first minister Humza Yousaf has announced new measures to improve the country’s childcare in his Programme for Government speech at the start of the new parliamentary year (5 September 2023).

These measures include providing funding in six “early adopter” council areas to increase access to childcare from nine months old through to the end of primary school, and accelerating the expansion of funded childcare for families with two-year-olds.

The SNP leader said that parents and carers would be given ‘more scope’ to manage their childcare so it meets their specific needs. ‘Some parents may want to use a mix of provision, and may find arranging and keeping track of their childcare stressful. So we will simplify that process - enabling parents to have more control over their childcare choices,’ he said. 

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