The leader of the Welsh Conservatives Andrew RT Davies and seven Conservative MSs have called on the Welsh Government to give all primary school children in Wales free milk. In a letter to Education Minister Jeremy Miles they say the cost-of-living crisis is increasing child poverty in Wales and that it is vital that the Welsh Government introduces a free school milk scheme to replace the existing subsidy scheme.
They say free milk for all primary aged children “could act as a vital lifeline to those whose parents cannot afford breakfast” and would help less well off children do better at school. It would also help the economy and Welsh Dairy Farmers “who are currently under significant economic pressure”, their letter, signed by Andrew R.T. Davies and MSs Joel Jame, Samuel Kurtz, Peter Fox, Paul Davies, Mark Isherwood and Darren Millar adds.
Andrew RT Davies said “As a farmer myself, I know first-hand the significant benefits that milk can provide for school children. With child poverty rising under this Welsh Labour Government, Conservative colleagues and I are calling for action to ensure that all primary school children across Wales from all socioeconomic backgrounds can benefit from free nutritious milk at school”
The MSs quoted Jon Thornes, chairman of the School and Milk Nursery Alliance saying: “Milk is a significant tool in helping combat child food insecurity and with the cost-of-living continuing to push thousands of families into poverty. It’s essential the Welsh Government takes steps to introduce a new free school milk scheme in Wales so all children can benefit from nutritious milk helping them grow and boosting their educational attainment.”