Standards in schools continue to rise as more primary aged children are learning their times tables and boosting their future maths skills, new data reveals today (Thursday 23 November).
These results build on this Government’s success in driving up standards in schools. In its second year, the times table national data has shown that more children scored full marks in the check than last year with 29% of eligible pupils in 2023 up from 27% in 2022. Overall attainment rose among all eligible children with an average score of 20 out of 25 marks for those who took the check.
Disadvantaged children also scored higher this year getting on average 18 out of 25 marks, up by +0.4 points on 2022. Both boys and girls scored higher than last year.
The success in this year’s scores follows on from a culmination of reforms introduced since 2010 to drive up standards including changes to the mathematics curriculum, reflecting international best practice from countries such as Singapore and China, and the introduction of a network of Maths Hubs to boost the quality of teaching in schools across the country.