Parents of deaf pupils have staged a protest over planned cuts at their north London primary school, which they say will target the most vulnerable children and disproportionately affect their education.

Laycock primary in Islington is a mainstream school with a specialist unit that attracts pupils from across the capital.

With costs rising and enrolment falling, the school is trying to find savings, and parents say proposed cuts are being targeted at deaf provision, with key specialist roles likely to be axed.

Martin Thacker, the deputy director for local engagement at the National Deaf Children’s Society (NDCS), said: “This is a potentially devastating blow for the deaf children attending this school, as well as those who may attend in the future.

“If schools are prioritising balancing the books over providing deaf children with the support they need, something has gone very wrong. It’s vital that deaf children and young people get the support they need in school. Without it, they risk falling further behind their peers, left to struggle on alone.”

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