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AoC and NCFE want to promote the benefits and impact of enrichment in colleges to learners’ lives and are supporting a four-year research project conducted by the University of Derby. Enrichment not only supports student progression but has sustained learners through their college lives, not least during and since the pandemic.

Yet because of its low policy priority, not all learners benefit from the same entitlements and opportunities. The scope of these opportunities has become clear data through the research with 109 providers across England and Wales.

University of Derby researcher Bally Kaur says: “We’ve talked to scores of colleges about their enrichment, which we define as college-based activities through which staff and students themselves augment and complement the taught curriculum. We’ve found a vast range of activities that prepare learners for future life, beyond work or further study.

Enrichment is part of what has got them through their lives as learners, helping them to adapt during the pandemic and afterwards. We’ve seen enrichment take on a new lease of life in some colleges during this project.”

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