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The Valuing Enrichment Project was jointly initiated by AoC and NCFE in 2020 as a four-year research project which aims to fill the evidence gap around the value of enrichment in post-16 education. David Hughes, Chief Executive of Association of Colleges says: “We embarked on this research because we felt that enrichment had been overlooked for too long, and that the offer had been limited by over a decade of funding cuts.”

The interim report published today describes how enrichment is benefiting college students and considers how the best examples could be built on. It also highlights the vital role enrichment played in supporting learners through the pandemic and beyond.

As David Gallagher, Chief Executive of NCFE, says: “This is particularly important for those from the most disadvantaged, underserved and underrepresented backgrounds and who may not have had the opportunities to travel, play sport, or go to a local museum.”

The research is being undertaken by the University of Derby, widely recognised for its research, capacity-building and teacher education in the FE sector.

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