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A new report released by Ufi VocTech Trust and the Association of Employment and Learning Providers has warned of the big implications that AI (artificial intelligence) will have on skills training in the coming years – and calls on the UK Government to work closely with the sector to establish guidelines to ensure its ethical use.

The report, ‘Future-Ready Vocational Education: Harnessing Technology for Success’ was written by AELP’s Dr Chihiro Kobayashi, and is set to be launched at AELP National Conference today (Monday 26 June). The research was commissioned on the back of advances in the use of technology throughout the Covid-19 pandemic – and looks at what the future may hold for technology use within skills training. The publication of the report is timely, following recent call for evidence on generative artificial intelligence in education launched by the Department for Education.

A key finding from the ‘Future-Ready Vocational Education: Harnessing Technology for Success’ report is that while demand for learning management systems is increasing, training providers generally have a positive perspective on new technologies like AI. However, as the education sector is still in the early stages of using new and developing AI learning technologies, there are concerns that these technologies could serve to widen existing inequalities.

As a result, AELP and Ufi VocTech Trust are calling on the UK Government to work closely with the sector to establish guidelines for the ethical use of AI in education, encompassing responsible deployment, data privacy, and transparent algorithms. Collaborating with Independent Training Providers (ITPs) to incorporate ethics and responsible AI into the curriculum is crucial.

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