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A new task force has been launched to ensure the UK has the right skills in the nuclear industry as part of Government plans to drastically scale up nuclear capacity.

The panel will work to ensure roles are filled in the rapidly expanding defence and civil nuclear sectors, the Ministry of Defence said.

It will develop a national skills strategy for jobs across the industry, from technical scientific and engineering roles to logistics, project management, commercial and finance.

The task force will be chaired by Sir Simon Bollom, the former chief executive of Defence Equipment and Support, and include Government officials, academics and industry partners.

Defence procurement minister James Cartlidge said: “By developing nuclear skills, we are not just investing in the UK economy but our national security.

“The creation of this new task force will challenge the whole of the UK’s nuclear sector to be ambitious in addressing the nuclear skills gap, and we are delighted to appoint Sir Simon Bollom to drive this work forward.”

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