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Jenny Garrett OBE is an Author, Leadership Trainer, and Founder of Reflexion Associates. Jenny works with individuals and organisations, supporting them to achieve career and life changing results. During the pandemic Jenny enjoyed sharing her skills with others and passing on her knowledge to the next generation. Here she discusses the benefits of skills sharing and how teaching in Further Education offers industry professionals the opportunity to do this within their field.  

From baking sourdough bread to learning how to navigate online calls – the global pandemic has been a time to learn new skills. Staying inside for extended periods of time gave many of us the opportunity to contemplate whether we were getting the most from our career. It presented a chance to evaluate what we really enjoy, and what we did and didn’t miss from our pre-pandemic life. Our working lives changed in a way we never imagined they might – out went the commute and in came forgetting that you were on mute.

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