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Students are taking exams for the first time in two years and it is unsurprising that this has led to increased feelings of stress. As we all know, feeling nervous is a very natural response to the prospect of exams and a little bit of stress can help students focus on the day. However, for some students, this experience can be particularly challenging and can lead to severe anxiety and distress. As Maths Engagement Coaches at Cambridge Regional College, we have acted as a separate body to the maths team this year, which has allowed us to gain a unique insight into the student experience during this time.

It is important to highlight that feelings of stress and anxiety are not always visible and, just because students may appear calm on the surface, internal struggle may still exist. However, common signs in the run up to exams include: a decline in engagement and/or attendance, use of self-depreciating language and changes in mood – becoming quieter or more disruptive than usual.

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