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The Liberal Democrats would increase per-student funding for colleges above inflation every year, widen the apprenticeship levy, and provide an annual tutoring fund to support those struggling with English and maths if they form the next government.

The party passed policies on further education and skills at its annual party conference in Bournemouth as it prepares for the next general election.

Among the policies is a new plan for a funding pot to support tutoring for students. The plan would see a £390 million fund established to support small group sessions in schools and colleges. The party said it could support up to 1.75 million young people a year.

Munira Wilson, the Liberal Democrats’ education spokesperson, pointed to analysis showing that 15.8 per cent of pupils who meet or exceed the “expected standard” in reading and maths at key stage 2 do not go on to achieve a grade 4 or “standard pass” in GCSE English and maths.

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