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College business centres featured as a key policy pledge in the 2021 skills for jobs white paper, as ministers bid to improve local skills systems by forging stronger links with employers. But, the concept disappeared from government communication following a short trial in a handful of colleges. FE Week investigates what happened…

The Department for Education’s desire to replicate the “world-class” employer-led German skills system in England has been a common theme among the revolving door of skills ministers and education secretaries in recent years.

It led to the decision to hand chambers of commerce greater control over local skills provision, including the creation of local skills improvement plans (LSIPs) which were the headline reform in the 2021 skills for jobs white paper.

Another innovative idea to enhance employer influence over skills training offers was to establish college business centres (CBCs) across the country, to act as a physical space where colleges and employers communicate, collaborate and ultimately “respond to locally agreed priorities”.

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