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T7 is the academic branch of the G7. I came returned from the Berlin meeting (23-24 May) with a new word, Zeitenwende. This describes a changing of the times from which there is no return, a restructuring of the world order, a new social and economic mood.

In the last century the realignment following the two world wars may be seen as such, with attempts at a new world unity, such as the United Nations, the threat of nuclear annihilation, the harnessing of new technologies, and an increased emphasis on health and education. For many in the USA the destruction of the twin towers was seen as a Zeitenwende, emphasizing the rift between global value systems and sparking a new fear of, and war on, terror. In April Olaf Scholz emphasized that we are now experiencing a worldwide Zeitenwende. This has been triggered by the global disasters of COVID and the war in Ukraine, with its further disruption to supply chains. But as with previous seismic shifts, the causes are more profound and widespread, and the impact of longer duration. The implications will be of great significance for the future of our students.

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