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The Technical Teaching Fellowships for 2024/25, which are awarded jointly by the Education and Training Foundation (ETF) and Royal Commission for the Exhibition of 1851, were presented at the Royal Society in London on Friday 1 March.

Following the announcement of the expansion of the geographical eligibility for the awards to the whole of the UK this year, Fellowships have for the first time been awarded to individuals working outside England.

Presentations were made on behalf of the Royal Commission by Professor Dame Ann Dowling OM FRS FREng (Commissioner and Chair of the Industry and Engineering Committee) and John Lavery (Secretary), and for the ETF by Dr Katerina Kolyva (Chief Executive Officer).

As well as their Technical Teaching Fellowships, All Fellows will become alumni of the Royal Commission, providing them with further support to drive quality improvement in technical STEM teaching and training and the opportunity to access further funding. They are also awarded Fellowship of the Society for Education and Training (SET), the membership body of the ETF.

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