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Equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) is the thread which weaves through further education (FE) institutions; it ensures the use of equitable and inclusive practices across the different teams including curriculum, business services and student services.

I entered the EDI space through my own personal experience as a mixed-race woman, both in education, and in sport where I experienced first-hand limited representation of my culture, background or people with similar life experiences. In sport and education, I became victim to microaggressions and stereotypes about my appearance, attitude and ability. It felt limiting: I felt like I had to work harder and not voice my opinions to fit in with the ‘ideal student’ model. I decided I wanted to work towards dismantling these barriers, not only for myself, but for others in wider society.

As an EDI co-ordinator I work across student engagement, curriculum and the wider business to ensure EDI is part of the organisation’s culture, rather than just a tick-box for compliance.

I work with the student engagement and student services teams, and the student council, union and voice collective, to ensure that the strategies and support in place meet student need, help them to enjoy college life and have a fair chance of achievement. I also identify training needs across the college and then deliver workshops to support the EDI development of staff and source and create resources.

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