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It’s not hard to spot Anne's connection to Villiers Park - and yet she wasn’t aware of the charity until just a few years ago, when her husband started researching her family history. Arthur Villiers, our namesake and one of the founders of Villiers Park, was Anne’s first cousin, once removed - or so she thinks; her father was only five when his father was killed in WW1, so there was no opportunity to build the family connections.

When she discovered the link, Anne saw an opportunity to marry her passion for nature with her family’s history of support:

“Climate change is here and there are things we can do about it. We cannot let young people grow up unaware of it, and yet we must find ways to teach this most serious of subjects without engendering fear. The nature crisis and biodiversity loss are hardly talked about in schools; we need to move faster to embed these topics in the curriculum. I’m happy that, through Villiers Park, I can help give young people opportunities to start thinking more deeply about these issues.”

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