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The modern workplace is under huge pressure to change, firstly with the demand for skilled and experienced employees which many organisations are struggling to meet, and then with the changes to the way we work through remote and hybrid working. Recent research by Gartner revealed that for 55% of senior leaders, concerns about the impact remote and hybrid working will have on organisational cultures and productivity remain high. How do organisations upskill employees when so many are remote or hybrid working, and what impact might this have on organisational cultures?

According to a 2020 McKinsey report, 94% of the UK’s workforce lack the skills they will need by 2030 to ‘perform their jobs well’. The World Economic Forum predicts that by 2025, 1 in 2 workers will need reskilling, and for those that remain in their roles, up to 40% of their skills will need updating. Organisations will therefore need to find ways of developing their employees whilst not negatively impacting on productivity. 

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