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In this series of 10 short blogs – which will issue in rapid succession – I will consider in turn the top themes that have emerged from 50 interviews with teachers, leaders, policy-makers, academics and other from across and beyond the English FE system. Each blog will end with a question which I hope will generate debate on LinkedIn, where the blogs are signposted.

The core question considered has been “what might be the features of a self-improving FE system?” Interviewees have also considered the key features of the FE system as it stands, and what is holding it back from being self-improving.

The theme most commonly mentioned is trust. The main contention from interviewees has followed this pattern:

  • A self-improving system requires a high degree of openness to make it work
  • Openness requires trust
  • Trust in the system at the moment is not high
  • Therefore we cannot become a self-improving system unless we first have trust.

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