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The future of every economy and community will be determined by young people (YP) and their ability to imagine, innovate and deliver services and products to the global ecosystem. As learning objectives continue to evolve, skills will become the new currency, not content and knowledge.

Many jobs are already being automated. Driverless tractors are ploughing and harvesting our farms. In hospitals, surgery is undertaken using robotics, and in radiology departments AI is used to identify early signs of cancers. There are also driverless robots delivering groceries and small packages to local households. The future of work (FOW) is here.

Our current education system is a bit like a conveyer belt on a factory production line. Teachers and lecturers stand along its length, with YP the raw material moving down the line, and at each stage YP learn something. As a key performance indicator, ‘finished articles’ emerge at various end points, having reached a quality standard (or not) determined largely by exam results.

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