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The latest information (which may now be a little out of date) indicates that there are 3 ethnic minority chairs on the 47 sixth form college boards. The picture is likely to be similar in 16-19 academies. Across all sixth form colleges and 16-19 academies responding to SFCA’s Workforce Survey, meanwhile, there are only 6 ethnic minority principals/chief executives. Both figures are, of course, well below the number of ethnic minority students in sixth form colleges, who now make up 25% of all students. Unless action is taken, that disparity will grow. 

It is clear from the recent SFCA governance webinar on sustained approaches to diversity that boards do wish to diversify but are finding it a challenge. Unless you have a number of vacancies at the same time (as we did recently), it can be a slow process, but much can still be done to enable change to happen. Using, in part, our experience at Newham Sixth Form College (NewVIc), I set out some of the things that can be done to ensure a successful outcome. 

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