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Over 30 years ago, I helped run an NUS disaffiliation campaign at the University of Manchester. Like all good political campaigns, it was huge fun. The NUS, then headed by people like the future Labour Minister Stephen Twigg, was full of ambitious Blairites (before the term existed) and so were easy to caricature.

If I recall correctly, there was even a rumour that a senior NUS representative was so inept that they had left their bath running during an important student conference, causing huge amounts of damage to a hotel.

As part of the disaffiliation campaign, we paid a printer to produce some fake Socialist Worker Student Society (SWSS) posters. We wrote obviously fake humorous messages on them, implying the NUS enjoyed support on the wildest fringes of politics, and then plastered the posters around campus. (In case you are wondering, this made no difference to the result: we put the posters up at 6am and they were torn down long before people emerged for their 9am lectures: the far-left campus groupuscules were active all hours of the day and night.)

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