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We are eager to start work on our project, “Beyond the classroom – supporting student success” as part of the suite of projects funded by Advance HE’s Collaborative Development Fund. Led by Staffordshire University Centre of Learning and Pedagogic Practice (SCoLPP), in partnership with the Directorate of Student Success at the University of the West of Scotland (UWS), the ambition is to curate institutional case studies that identify and disseminate new ways of working to show how third space professionals can be used to make a positive contribution to influence student outcomes.  

Higher education institutions (HEIs) are facing increased scrutiny over the value of the degree, not only as a transformational experience but as a societal good. This in turn has seen increased use of metrics to measure factors such as progression, retention and graduate outcomes.

This external pressure has seen HEIs concentrate significant resources around the pedagogical experience and the direct academic-student relationship. However, there is considerable work being undertaken by ‘third space’ professionals (eg careers staff, enterprise advisors, learning technologists, writing centre staff) that may have a strong influence on outcomes and reinforce or support the work of academics.  

Our project team is comprised of self-confessed third spacers whose careers have involved educational transformation, strategic project leadership and enhancement activities.

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