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Today Research England is setting out a vision and work programme to create and sustain the conditions for a healthy, dynamic, diverse, and inclusive research and knowledge exchange system in higher education.

One of my first priorities on joining the organisation was to engage with as many stakeholders as possible and this has helped to shape and inform our plan.

I knew that Research England was a widely-respected organisation critical to delivering the dual support funding mechanisms. Our quality related research funding (QR) provides balance and stability to universities in England, alongside competitive funding awarded by UKRI and a wide range of other funders from charities to businesses.

Our Higher Education Innovation Funding (HEIF) for knowledge exchange and commercialisation supports interaction with business and other users of research and development. However, what was immediately apparent to me in my early interactions across many organisations, was the regard held for Research England’s role; not just what it does, but how it does it. I believe this is founded in a deep commitment to working in partnership, an approach that will be key to successful delivery of our work.

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