Over the last decade, we have supported an increasing number of higher education institutions engaging in digital, educational and workforce transformation programmes to build their own and their students’ readiness for an increasingly connected and competitive global marketplace.
The last five years have seen the pace of this change rise in an unprecedented way, influenced by a number of factors including the introduction of the 2018 Regulatory Framework in England, the shifts imposed by the Covid-19 pandemic, our sectoral growing needs to generate, manage and use big data, the shifting power and application of artificial intelligence (AI) and ongoing data and cyber security risks. In this super-complex and fast changing landscape, where everything – teaching, learning resources, data, enterprise applications, staff and students - has the potential to be everywhere, resilience and sustainability depends on keeping up and learning quickly.
Expertise in technology has now become key to managing the business of higher education and furthering its academic mission and impact, and not just running its IT systems.