A petition calling for a law change set up by a group of parents whose children killed themselves at university is due to be debated by MPs.

Campaigners from a movement called #ForThe100 are calling for universities to have a legal duty of care towards students.

A petition with more than 128,000 signatures was handed over at Downing Street in April.

A parliamentary debate is due to take place on 5 June.

Petitions on the UK Government site that pass the 100,000 mark are considered for debate in parliament.

Hilary Grime, whose daughter Phoebe killed herself at the age of 20 while studying at Newcastle University, said campaigners were due to give evidence to the Petitions Committee at Portcullis House later, ahead of the debate.

"It's a massive opportunity," she said. "This is our chance to say how it is.

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