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The higher education and skills minister believes English universities are generally “in good financial health” as he admitted he has not exactly been banging on the door of the Treasury to demand more funding.

Robert Halfon said the sector was in a “fairly strong” position – compared with much of the economy given the current financial difficulties – and implied management may be to blame at universities faring badly, rather than his government’s funding system.

Appearing in front of the House of Lords inquiry into the English regulator, the Office for Students, Mr Halfon repeatedly pointed out that 75 per cent of the country’s universities were in a “good financial condition”, although the finances of 30 providers were being monitored by the OfS.

“Why is it that the vast majority are able to be in good financial health whilst a few are not?”, he asked, before later adding: “Some of it – not all – may be down to the management of that particular university and the leadership, rather than the funding system.”

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