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Led by the faculty’s Department of Learning and Leadership, the new BA course will welcome its first cohort of students in September 2024 on their way to becoming early years specialists and sector leaders. 

Early childhood education is a growing field with significant global relevance. 'Early childhood' represents a crucial period in children's lives for cognitive, physical, psychological, emotional, cultural and social development and learning.  

The positive impact that early years education can have on individuals and societies has been widely recognised and, in recent years, Early Childhood Education (ECE), especially the period before compulsory schooling, has become the subject of great interest and emerged as a policy priority for many governments and international organisations.  

In this sense, as a field of study ECE emphasises children’s rights, social justice, and early childhood policy and practice. It also carries local, national and global dimensions which have influence in the rights of families, communities, women and minorities. 

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