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In March 2023, following a detailed, thorough and thoughtful inquiry into student mental health, a parliamentary committee came forward with a thought-provoking report containing 33 recommendations for government on improving the quality and consistency of mental health support across higher education.

My colleague Michael Salmon wrote it up on the site at the time, noting that it had used student focus groups and university visits, as well as evidence from charities and campaign groups, NHS trusts, trade unions, university management, and a wide range of higher education sector bodies to inform its findings and recommendations.

It covered a wide range of issues – such as the impact of pandemic, mitigating the impact of the cost of living crisis, improved data collection, better information sharing, training and awareness raising for staff and students, and more sustainable funding which matches the level of need.

We now have the response from government – which although is partial given the relationship between the government and the regulator and the need to consider some funding implications in the round, sets out a comprehensive and impressive range of commitments to be delivered in partnership with the sector.

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