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Ulster University (UU) has publicly apologised to two academics behind research on the cost of Northern Ireland's divided education system.

The research had claimed the separate school system cost £226m extra a year to the public purse.

The university is also retracting a previous statement which asked for its logo to be removed from the report.

Vice-chancellor Prof Paul Bartholomew has now said that previous statement "is not compatible with my views".

The Cost of Division research estimated the total price of division and duplication of services in education in Northern Ireland at about £600,000 a day.

It examined the cost of things such as additional school transport due to segregation and academic selection, separate schools in an area, and the money spent on programmes to bring children educated separately together.

The research, which was the latest in a series of UU papers on Northern Ireland's education system, was partially funded by the Integrated Education Fund (IEF) and published with Ulster University's logo.

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