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ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) means different things to different people and different types of organisation. With its origins based on how an organisation assesses/manages the risks and opportunities created by external shifts in environmental, economic, and social systems, it is evolving into principles/approaches/frameworks that analyse how sustainably an organisation is operating. It includes key elements around environmental and social impact, as well as how transparent and accountable governance structures are.

At Advance HE, we know that most institutions are actively considering and evolving what they do to have the most impact and create the most value, including with respect to sustainability. Many institutions have adopted UN SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals), made carbon reduction commitments and have strong education for sustainable development (ESD) ambitions. As the institution juggles its commitment to its own sustainability agenda and the education of the next generation, how does the Board get a holistic view of the outcomes and impact

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