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Aspectre is haunting the Conservative party- the spectre of millennials.

According to thinktank Onward in their latest report Missing millennials why the Conservatives lost a generation and how to win them back millennials are the first generation to become more left wing as they age.

If there was an election tomorrow two to one millennials would vote for Labour over the Conservative Party. Millennials find the vibes of the Conservative Party to be off and 62 per cent agree with the statement “the Conservative Party deserves to lose the next election.” The top three traits they associate with the Conservative Party are “dishonest”, “incompetent” and “out of touch”.

Millennials are unhappy with the state of the country, unhappy with a party that has been in charge for 13 years, and they are unmoved by the culture wars. The only hope for the Conservative Party is that Rishi Sunak is more popular with millennials than his party as a whole. Some 46 per cent of 35-39 year olds have a positive view of the Prime Minister. This is about the same proportion of Britons that believe they could beat a goose in a fight.

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