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As the year comes to a close, it's time for the Learning and Teaching in Higher Education (LTHE) community to come together and reflect. Over the past year, the Advance HE hosted chats have delved into various thought-provoking topics on Twitter, engaging in meaningful discussions about the future of education in the digital age. From the challenges of teaching during times of war to the transformative potential of artificial intelligence, we have explored a diverse range of subjects. Now, let's take a moment to celebrate the progress made and reflect on the insights gained. 

In the face of adversity, the higher education community showcased unwavering resilience and dedication to ensuring the continuity of teaching and learning. We discussed the challenges faced by educators and students in war-torn regions, emphasising the importance of empathy, adaptability and technological solutions to bridge the gap. By coming together and sharing good practice, we demonstrated the power of solidarity in supporting education during times of crisis. 

Recognising the value of student perspectives and their role in shaping the learning experience, we delved into the concept of student co-creation. We discussed the opportunities and challenges that arise when students actively participate in designing their education. By fostering a collaborative environment, we empower students to become co-creators of knowledge, leading to a more engaging and meaningful educational journey. 

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