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Advance HE has published the final annual report on behalf of the Disabled Students’ Commission as the three-year project funded by the Office for Students comes to an end.  

The Annual Report 2022-2023: Enhancing the disabled student experience provides a summary of the Commission’s key achievements and guidance in 2022-2023. 

Established as a new initiative by the Universities Minister in 2020 just days before the first Covid-19 lockdown in the UK, the Disabled Student Commission has worked with students, staff and agencies in the higher education sector over the past three years to address the needs of disabled students.  

Its final annual report for 2022-2023 covers the publication of the Disabled Student Commitment, a framework for higher education providers to make the step-change required to create a more inclusive HE environment and details the partnerships with sector organisations that have led to important works which seek to address the disabled student experience at all corners of the HE lifecycle.  

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