Some of the country's top universities will adapt their teaching and learning to incorporate the "ethical" use of artificial intelligence

A set of principles that will help universities take advantage of AI has been published by The Russell Group - which includes institutions such as Oxford, Cambridge, Bristol and Durham.

Backed by the vice chancellors of the 24 Russell Group universities, the statement said it hopes to support the ethical and responsible use of tools such as ChatGPT, while making an effort to uphold academic integrity.

ChatGPT is a text-based generative app, that can answer questions, respond to scenarios and compose essays.

But there are fears that some students could use it to complete assignments.

However, the statement from the universities says using generative AI in teaching and assessments "has the potential to enhance the student learning experience, improve critical-reasoning skills and prepare students for the real-world applications" of generative AI technologies.

It said: "All staff who support student learning should be empowered to design teaching sessions, materials and assessments that incorporate the creative use of generative AI tools where appropriate."

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