If rumours of a Ministerial trip to Brussels in the days ahead to ratify an agreement on Horizon Europe are true, then we might finally be seeing the beginnings of a fresh relationship between the UK and the EU.

The acrimonious Brexit negotiations strained relations with the EU. But we now seem to be entering a period when bridges can be re-built. Research is a good place to start.

Many universities across Scotland and the UK, including my own, have worked hard to nurture and grow our European links post-Brexit, the uncertainty around Horizon Europe has certainly presented some challenges. But the news of a potential deal on Horizon association is very welcome and signals the direction this UK Government is taking our relationship with the EU.

Indeed, since the Windsor Framework was agreed back in March, discussions on Horizon Europe have moved to a much more positive footing. The sector has been eagerly anticipating the UK’s association to Horizon Europe and we have been urging an acceleration of talks with the EU.

Universities like ours have continued to encourage researchers to apply for European research funding calls, with hopes of swift accession to the scheme.

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