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The OfS’s Head of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, Amy Norton, reflects on our mental health funding competition and explains how the OfS is working with providers and other organisations to support the mental health of students.

In June, I was delighted to attend an event held by the University of West London to mark the end of the ‘People Like Us’External link (Opens in a new tab or window) project that it's been leading as part of the OfS Mental Health Funding Competition (MHFC). The project addresses racial and cultural barriers to seeking wellbeing support for students from Black, Asian and minority ethnic groups. It was fantastic to meet project leads, senior management sponsors and, importantly, the students who have been involved.

The OfS’s funding programme has focused on student groups with characteristics identified as increasing their risk of poor mental health. It also aims to drive improvements in access to support for those who may experience additional barriers.

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