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We are a group of educators and researchers who feel passionately about the use of simulation for student and staff development, and system design in healthcare. The Collaborative Award for Teaching Excellence has given us a chance to reflect in depth on what we have achieved since our simulation centre - Oxford Simulation Teaching and Research – OxSTaR - opened in 2008, and to realise how far we’ve come. 

We began life as a group of four multidisciplinary clinical educators and over 15 years have expanded to a wonderfully diverse group of over 50 faculty from healthcare, psychology, human factors and technical backgrounds, over 30 researchers and teaching fellows and our 14 core staff.  

OxSTaR is embedded in the University of Oxford and situated in the Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (OUHT) with whom we have a very strong relationship. The team ethos of collective competence, where collaborations lead to accomplishments that would not otherwise be possible, underpins our successful partnerships with healthcare organisations, other universities, students, teachers and academics in the UK and beyond. We thrive together because we value everyone’s opinions, encourage constructive criticism and take enormous pride in what we do.  

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